Let us approach your home accordingly to your wishes and the principles of bioclimatic design. A better home makes a comfort life.

Bioclimatic design

Even in 5th century BC, Socrates already speaks about bioclimatic design as a self-evident element in the house design process.

“When somebody wants to build a house, shouldn’t he aim at making it as pleasant as possible, and so make it useful to live in? And, isn’t pleasance that this house may be cool in summertime and warm in winter? Now, our experience teaches us that for the houses having a southern face, warm sun rays may pass below front verandas’ shelters in winter, but when the sun’s orbit rises up during summertime the shelters make shade…”

In bioclimatic houses design is ruled by the principals of ecology and sustainability. The term “bioclimatic” corresponds to a house plan designed to take advantage of the environment for their energy needs without harming it.

Designing your new home with us, you can see how it will be integrated with video animation technology.

Video with bio climatic houses  of a rented apartment complex in Lemnos.


Bioclimatic houses meet 3 basic components of bioclimatic design: proper location, proper orientation of the buildings’ rooms and openings, and passive systems. In these houses the passive systems, which operate without mechanical parts or energy supply and naturally heat/cool the house, are divided into three categories.

  • Passive solar heating systems.
  • Passive natural cooling techniques.
  • Systems and techniques for natural lighting and shading.


Appropriate location for constructing a building within a given plot depends on the microclimate of the region, the frequent direction of the winds, the presence of trees and other landscape features ; consideration of these factors will also lead into proper space design, smart utilization of the solar radiation during winter and protection from summertime overheating.

xeimerini 1

therini 1


In the Mediterranean, the sun maintains its intense warmth during summer late afternoons, which in some cases can be dis-pleasingly hot. In bio climatic housing a west-facing wall can be therefore arranged with small or even without openings, or with the appropriate shading protection: deciduous tree, awnings, plant hedges etc. The choice of proper deciduous plant species, size, maturity and pruning, related to the exact sunlight track through the day, is of major importance for an effective protection. On the other hand, a dense evergreen vegetation solution can direct chilling winds away from the building during winter, while achieving a cooling effect during summer…